Back to school
Proper 19
Isaiah 50:4-9a; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38
There is a religious aspect to teaching, even when the subject matter is not religious and the school is non-sectarian. This is because what is taught ought to be, at the very least, true.
Since truth is determined by God (consider these verses) the teaching profession is necessarily in the service of God — whether or not individual teachers acknowledge it. That is why James could write in this Sunday's lesson, "Not many of you should become teachers" adding that "for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness."
Unless, of course, education is neutral territory. Unless, of course, some knowledge remains off-limits to God and is reserved especially for Man. What do you think? Click here to watch the sermon (or download and read the transcript) and let's grapple with this.